The works of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood that Mikael Ahlund had chosen to show were inspiring:
_ they have a special atmosphere
_ they are reflexive (dealing with art history, history and modern times)
_ they show the artists' skills.

Mikael Ahlund and his team succeeded in creating a strong event, inscribing it in the institutional frame. What else could a demanding visitor ask for?

(Photo painting woman at the top of the page copied from: http://www.preraphaelitesisterhood.com/cowper.jpg)
(Photo painting Ophelia by John Everett Millais copied from: http://fredfred.net/skriker/images/fred/2005/pre-raphaelites/ophelia-millais.jpg)
(Photo painting woman by a loom copied from: http://questionsconcerningreligion.org/images/113.jpg)