23 April 2009


To prepare Small Press Expo in good conditions, we asked Freddie Kaplan to pick up some comics dealing with the main themes of this year's edition: autobigraphies and friendship.
Gunnar and I got to read:

L'Ascension du Haut Mal, by David B. (about his brother's epilepsy)

Black Hole, by Charles Burns (about dysphoric teenagers in the 1970's)

Fun Home, by Alison Bechdel (about her coming out and her father's suicide short after)

Ett Familjealbum, by Åsa Grennvall (the story about her family told by its members)

Gaskriget, by Fabian Göranson (a Swedish backpacker's autobiography)

The Invisibles, by Grant Morrison (about a bunch of super/anti/heroes)

676 apparitions, by Patrice Killoffer (about his neurotic stay in Canada)

(Photo book cover 'L'Ascension du haut mal' copied from: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/518R9GKQ8XL._SL500_AA300_.jpg)
(Photo book cover 'Black Hole' copied from: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/519%2BtqG7nxL._BO2,204,203,200_

(Photo book cover 'Fun Home' copied from: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5124ZCAH9VL._BO2,204,203,200_
(Photo book cover 'Familjealbum' copied from: http://image.bokus.com/images2/9789188334848_large)
(Photo book cover 'Gaskriget' copied from: http://www.skolshoppen.se/bokinfobild.php?id=139004)
(Photo book cover 'The Invisibles' copied from: http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1167349033l/22401.jpg)
(Photo book cover '676 apparitions' copied from: http://www.google.com/images?q=676+apparitions+patrice+killoffer&oe=utf-8&rls=

22 April 2009

Pierre Etaix

Pierre Etaix is a wonderful artist, but because of some "legal quagmire", it is still impossible to screen his films.
That's why we invite all of our readers to "sign" this online petition.

If 50.000 signatures are counted as late as the 10th May 2009, the French Ministry of Culture will do its best to make things happen...

(Photo Pierre Etaix copied from: http://laternamagika.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/etaix.jpg)

21 April 2009

oats & quinoa porridge

Our breakfasts have become a bit more tasty since we bought a new blend of cereals with oats and quinoa. This product by Frebaco has everything to please us:
* it is produced in Sweden (= doesn't involve as much freight as imported cereals)
* ecological
* tasty
* rather cheap for being something original and ecological
To put it in a nutshell, we are satisfied consumers of this - for us - new product.

(Picture copied from: http://bavarde.blogg.se/quickfix/images/2010/image-aspx_77672136.jpg)

04 April 2009

Maison de Jour de Fête

We won't be in Berry for the opening of the Maison de Jour de Fête, but hope our Berrichons will be there, 'investigating' it for us.
The following trailer is not accurate, since one mish-mashed the release date (1949) with the shooting period (1947). I guess nobody's perfect...

(Photo from newspaper copied from: http://www.pays-lachatre-berry.com/up/tourisme/Jour-de-fete.bmp)