To travel from Stockholm to Paris, we decided to go by train (25 hour-party-people?).
At Stockholm train station, Siw-Marie and Styrbjörn said goodbye and wished us good luck.
We took the train from Stockholm to Malmö at 3:21 pm.
Nothing exciting happened during this trip – except a hysterical toast-master screaming in her cell phone. Couldn't she get a cheap brain at skaffadigenhjä
At Stockholm train station, Siw-Marie and Styrbjörn said goodbye and wished us good luck.
We took the train from Stockholm to Malmö at 3:21 pm.
Nothing exciting happened during this trip – except a hysterical toast-master screaming in her cell phone. Couldn't she get a cheap brain at skaffadigenhjä
Tired? Yes!
We talked a bit about Berry and about cultural life (in Berlin and in France).
After this short meeting, we took the train to Köln/Cologne. We waited for about half an hour, and then embarked the Thalys train to Paris, via Bruxelles.
We arrived at Gare du Nord at 4:35 pm. Cousin Hervé fetched us in his black 206 CC.
We thought we could get the keys to my aunt's flat, but... no.
Finally, Hervé fetched us one more time and, to make it short, we got a good nights sleep at Blandine's new 3-room-apartment.
This was the third time I got to sleep at Blandine's, after the houseboat she once hired and the 2-room-apartment she has just sold. Gunnar and I really appreciated her and my cousins' generosity.