Contemporary artists like Ola Billgren, Ernst Billgren, Jan Håfström, Lars Englund, Lena Cronqvist, Jockum Nordström and many more.
In addition to this there were other artists of whom I've never heard.
Aurore didn't visit this exhibition today.After this we both went to the Academy Bookstore to listen to the author Alexander Ahndoril talking about his book 'The Director' ('Regissören').
This is a novel about a director by the name of Ingmar Bergman and other characters in this book are for example Sven Nykvist, Harriet Andersson, Käbi Laretei, (one of Bergmans wives and a concert pianist), Max von Sydow and so forth.
In spite of this Ahndoril does not want to characterize this book as a biography but rather a novel.
Bergman first became extremely angry and furious "wanting to kill me..." as Ahndoril puts it.
After reading it, one of his first reactions was: "How the hell could you know this. I haven't told anyone about it....". Whether this is true or not is of course hard to determine.
Creating a pseudo biography about one of the most famous Swedish personalities, has of course lead to a great interest in this book, something I pointed out to Ahndoril during the part when we had the opportunity asking him questions about his œuvre.
Unfortunately Ahndoril himself was not a good lecturer, as often is the case with authors.
He didn't seem to be particularly well prepared, either.
Cinema Sture and the film Charade by Stanley Donen with Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Walter Matthau, James Coburn and many more.
This is a movie about a woman whose husband dies in a violent way, not being the person she thought him to be and now confronted with five men who wants money her husband is said to have hidden, thinking she knows where they are.
She meets a mysterious man (Grant) who constantly changes his name and identity but says he wants to help her against the other three men whose only interest is forcing her to give away information she is not in possession of.
A french policeman and a CIA-agent (Matthau) is also involved.
Noone seems to be telling her the truth and she gets more and more confused, not being able to trust anyone.
A most entertaining thriller-comedy. I recommend it for those of you who haven't seen it.
After this 'Garaget ' by Vilgot Sjöman.
A thriller about two men, a principal and a teacher in the same school.
The principal is a man married to a wealthy woman with whom he tries to escape taxation in Sweden by depositing money in a Swiss bank.
This is done with a great deal of assistance from his father-in-law who helps them out economically.
The principal is not happy in his marriage and is engaged in a relation with his friend, the teacher's wife.
She tries to take her life in the beginning of the film but is rescued by the two men.
Moreover, the teacher has a relationship with a young student though he is a Christian and believer, talking a lot about moral both in his teaching and in his private life. In the latter he is a victim - if I may say so - of deep moral pondering.
The story includes two murder attempts at the woman who is saved in the beginning and these murder attempts are carried out by her husband and the principal. One of them succeeds but the wrong person is convicted.
Moral questions are being presented and discussed and as in real life the ones you think is morally 'chaste and pure' is not.
(Photo painting at the top taken form: The artist and http://www.galleryengstroem.se/gallery/jpggalry/backlnsk.jpg)
(Photo art work by Billgren taken from: The artist and http://www.omkonst.com/Bilder06/billgren1.jpg)
(Photo art work by Englund taken from: The artist and http://www.blaskan.nu/Bilder/lars_englund_i3538.jpg)
(Photo art work by Cronqvist taken from: The artist and http://images.artnet.com/artwork_images_117962_247813_lena-cronqvist.jpg)(Photo art work by Englund taken from: The artist and http://www.blaskan.nu/Bilder/lars_englund_i3538.jpg)
1 comment:
Alexander Ahndoril ressemble à un petit rongeur appeuré, sans charismatisme, sans rien à raconter. Le subir pendant une heure fut une véritable torture. Il ne sait même pas commencer et finir une construction grammaticale.
"La vie d'Ingmar est une ténèbre, nonobstant la lumière de l'hiver (le titre anglais des Communiants) permet de voir le brouillard dissipant la vie des acteurs. Un jour, j'ai prêté un pull, mais la voiture était jaune, alors je vais lire un passage de mon livre..."
Ce n'est pas une vraie citation, mais l'esprit est là )et j'ai supprimé tous les "euh..." de son intervention. A éviter absolument!
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