Svenska (English below):
Efter ett möte fann jag mig ha ett antal timmar ledigt varför jag till klockan 14.00 begav mig till Nationalmusem för att se det vernissage som öppnade utställningen om Henri Toulouse-Lautrec. Lyssnade till det tal som hölls av utställningskommisarien Per Hedström.
Dock valde jag att inte denna dag se utställningen då det var alldeles för många besökare.
Fortsatte till Arkitekturmuseum där jag istället såg utställningen om den finske arkitekten, inredningsarkitekten/designern Alvar Aalto (se också Alvar Aalto-stiftelsen).
Tyvärr fanns inga möbler förevisade 'in natura' s.a.s. utan utställningen var presenterad via ett antal skärmar. Det var kanske lite torftigt då många besökare förväntar sig att få se Aaltos möbler. Dessa visades också tidigare i samband med möbelmässan.
Det var dock en sevärd utställning såtillvida att man fick se lite av den bredd som Aaltos konstnärsskap innefattar. Hans böljande former som till del påminner om Frank Lloyd Wrights arkitektur är mycket spännande och tilltalande tycker jag.
Vidare till utställningen med konst av Andy Warhol men där tittade jag endast på en video med filmat material från tiden då man flyttade från hans studio 'The Factory'.
A video from another Alvar Aalto-exhibition:
'Alvar Aalto through the eyes of Shigeru Ban, Barbican Art Gallery'
'Alvar Aalto through the eyes of Shigeru Ban, Barbican Art Gallery'
After a meeting I found that I had a couple of hours free why I made my way to Nationalmuseum (National Museum of Modern Art) at 2 pm to look at a vernissage in connection to the opening of the exhibition with art by Henri Toulouse-Lautrec. Introducer was the commisioner Per Hedström. I choose however not to look at the exhibition today as there were to many visitors. It was crowded.
I continued to the the Arkitekturmuseum (The Swedish Museum of Architecture) where I looked at the exhibition about the Finnish architect and designer/interiordesigner Alvar Aalto.
Unfortunately there were no furniture displayed (one chair) and the exhibition was displayed on a couple of screens.
Maybe this could be felt as somewhat 'meager' as I think many visitors expected to see his furniture and other items of his work within interior design. The furniture was displayed at the 'Furniture fair' earlier though.
I think though that it was an exhibition well worth seeing as one became aware (if not earlier) of the variety in his work and artistry.
His waving forms - to some extent reminding of the works by architect Frank Lloyd Wright - is very interesting and appealing.
Proceeded to the exhibition with art by Andy Warhol but there I only looked at a video with filmed material from the time when they moved away from his studio 'The Factory'.
I continued to the the Arkitekturmuseum (The Swedish Museum of Architecture) where I looked at the exhibition about the Finnish architect and designer/interiordesigner Alvar Aalto.
Unfortunately there were no furniture displayed (one chair) and the exhibition was displayed on a couple of screens.
Maybe this could be felt as somewhat 'meager' as I think many visitors expected to see his furniture and other items of his work within interior design. The furniture was displayed at the 'Furniture fair' earlier though.
I think though that it was an exhibition well worth seeing as one became aware (if not earlier) of the variety in his work and artistry.
His waving forms - to some extent reminding of the works by architect Frank Lloyd Wright - is very interesting and appealing.
Proceeded to the exhibition with art by Andy Warhol but there I only looked at a video with filmed material from the time when they moved away from his studio 'The Factory'.
Andy Warhol's Factory People from Canamedia Inc. on Vimeo.
(Photo Aalto arm-chair 1 copied from: http://www.swanklighting.com/files/blog/alvar.jpg)
(Photo Aalto arm-chair 2 copied from: http://www.bonluxat.com/cmsense/data/uploads/orig/Alvar_Aalto_Armchair_406_c5h.jpg)
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