Svenska (English below):
Idag är det Internationella Kvinnodagen.
Börjar med att gratulera en kvinna, min moster Elvy, som idag fyller jämna år!
Firar med familjen på Öland. Dotter, dotter-dotter med make och barn, dotter-söner, bekanta m.fl.
Ville sända henne blommor men hon hade redan 6-8 buketter hemma och ytterligare tolv som väntade på henne hos olika blomsterhandlar i Borgholm. Talade med en av blomsterhandlarna som, innan samtalet med Elvy, informerade mig om att hon sagt att hon ej önskade fler buketter. Förstår henne. Kanske startar hon en blomsterförmedling själv?
I övrigt är det en rad olika evenemang i Stockholm:
Konferenser, seminarier, filmer på temat kvinnor i olika konstellationer.
Vi besöker dock inte något av dessa evenemang. Aurore är redan emanciperad och så även jag!
Vi beger oss in till stan för att äta på restaurangen 'Bara Vi' som ligger på Skånegatan på Södermalm. Det är en restaurang med medelhavskaraktär till viss del.
Då vi kommer vid halv fem på eftermiddagen är det bara vi. Ingen annan.
Det är i och för sig skönt. De har en bar i en annan del av restaurangen som är ganska välbesökt. Svenskar är ju inte så intresserade av mat, mer av alkohol som vi vet!
Under kvällen så fylls det successivt på i restaurangdelen.
Vi var i alla fall nöjda med våra rätter och personalen.

Today it's the International Women's Day.
I start by congratulating one woman, namely my aunt Elvy who is celebrating her birthday today. Even numbers. She celebrates her birthday on Öland (the second largest island in Sweden situated in the southern part of the country) with her daughter and her husband, her granddaughter with husband and their children.
I wanted to send her some flowers but she already had 6-8 bouquets at home and another twelve waiting for her at the florists in Borgholm (the only city on the island). I talked to one of the florists - before talking to Elvy - who informed me that she had said she didn't want any more flowers. I understand her. Maybe she starts a business of her own?
As for the rest there were a great deal of events in Stockholm in connection to this day: Conferences, seminars, films and so on. We didn't visit any of these events. Aurore is already emancipated and so am I!
We decided to eat at the restaurant 'Only We' (my translation from 'Bara Vi') on Skånegatan in the southern part of the city. This is a restaurant with a certaion Mediterranean character.
We decided to eat at the restaurant 'Only We' (my translation from 'Bara Vi') on Skånegatan in the southern part of the city. This is a restaurant with a certaion Mediterranean character.
When we arrive at half past four in the afternoon there were only we in the restaurant. That suited us fine. They have a bar in another part of the restaurant, rather well frequented. You know, Swedes don't want to spend time eating, drinking alcohol is much more important!
Later on more people came to the restaurant part.
We were content with the food and the waiting and the evening in general.
(Photo symbole copied from:
(Photo woman with police men copied from:
(Photo Suffragettes copied from:
(Photo woman with police men copied from:
(Photo Suffragettes copied from:
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