08 July 2008

Sjätte Tunnan

We ate at our favourite medieval restaurant (the only one in Stockholm as far as we know) and were pleased to listen to Johannes Hellman who played the hurdy gurdy (vielle/vevlira).
He was even familiar with the folk music festival in St Chartier.

I (Aurore) was really proud to be berrichonne this evening...
I (Gunnar) was also proud being married to a berrichonne but on the other hand, that often happens!

Johannes played very well and he told us that his teacher often plays the hurdy gurdy at this medieval restaurant.
He also told us that he was one out of only five 'lira'-players in Sweden and he was the only(?) or one out of two 'semi-professional' player(s) in the country.

He was now going to continue studying music and particularly the hurdy gurdy but he also playes other instruments, the flute e.g.

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