Aurore har ett möte på förmiddagen på Filmhuset, varefter hon arbetar på Glimz till 16.00.
Klockan 17.00 anländer vi till Golala i Husby för att äta middag med henne.
Hon har förberett en middag med en del kurdiska specialiteter. Gott och mycket!
I genomsnitt lägger vi 15 minuter på matlagning i Sverige samtidigt som det varje år publiceras 400 nya kokböcker i detta land.
Middagen var utsökt med gott vin och vi hade en trevlig kväll tillsammans denna första gång Aurore och Golala möttes.
Aurore attented a meeting at the Swedish Filminstitute in the morning and after that she worked til 4 o'clock at Glimz.
At five o'clock pm we arrive at Golalas home in Husby invited to dine with her.
She has prepared a dinner with some kurdish specialities. Tasty and plentiful!
It seems as if one everywhere in the world put down a lot more effort on the food, both concerning quality and quantity than we do here in our country! Something the Swedes should learn from.
On average Swedes spend fifteen minutes on cooking and at the same time more than 400 cook-books are published every year in this country!
The dinner was delicious with good wine and we had a nice evening together this the first time Aurore and Golala met.
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