08 June 2010

Exposition " Nuances, lumières et reflets" - Hôtel de Villaines à La Châtre Du 5 juin au 27 juin 2010

This is an exhibition we haven't yet visited and I (Gunnar) will probably visit this one on my own, as Aurore is no fan of photo exhibitions.

Christian Saint-Louis is a photographer who, in his photos, tries to capture the light in all its diversity, depicting both Indre and Loire but also making journeys to Germany and the Nordic Countries.
In the only photo displayed on the internet site of Hôtel de Villaines (the exhibition hall) one can see a mill that very much resembles the mills on the island Öland in the southern part of Sweden, the same island where my mother was borned and raised, the very same island I used to spend my summers during the 1960's and 1970's.
If it's a photo from this island, I can't say but I will 'investigate' it.

Information in French/Information en Français:

Exposition: "Nuances, lumières et reflets" - Hôtel de Villaines à La Châtre".

Exposition de photographies de Christian Saint Louis

Exposition d’une cinquantaine de photographies de paysages de l’Indre, de la Loire jusqu’aux contrées plus lointaines de l’Europe du Nord avec pour fil conducteur la volonté de saisir et de capturer les variations de la lumière.

(Photo taken from La Nouvelle Republique with the information: Christian Saint-Louis et Maurice Bourg, adjoint à la culture lors du vernissage. - - Photo NR)

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