05 October 2007

Another employment-Glimz

(Copyright: Glimz.net)

Idag träffar Aurore ansvarige för Glimz.net för att diskutera arbetet inom detta VOD företag.

De har nu erhållit ekonomiska resurser så att de kan betala sina anställda inklusive Aurore.
Som varandes distributionsansvarig har hon tidigare arbetat mer eller mindre ideellt under uppbyggnadsperioden.
Nu skall det äntligen bli tal om en projekttjänst under tre månaders tid - med lön! Inte en dag för tidigt.

Innan mötet arbete.


Today Aurore meets with the head of Glimz.net in order to discuss and organize the work within this VOD-enterprise.

They have now received financial support making it possible to pay their employees, including Aurore.

As being responsible for the distributional side in the company she has earlier worked on a non-profit basis during the time when the company was built up.
Now at last she is employed for three months on a project basis - with a salary!
Not a day to early.

Before this meeting she was at work.

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