09 May 2010

Chopin en Berry Château d'Ars

Today we visited Château d'Ars.

As we (you?) celebrate the bicentennial of the above great composer and as he had strong links to Berry and specifically Nohant and George Sand, Château d'Ars opens an exhibition displaying Chopin and his 'summer holidays' in Berry with Sand and others.
The ambition with this exhibition is to show Nohant and Berry as an imaginary Poland, the juvel case for his composition and reveal another Chopin, far away from the Parisian salons, planted into the more intimate world with shared friendship among people he more or less loved.
In this it evokes the years in Nohant 1839-1846, during which he also composed some of his finest works (as I've mentioned before).

One have chosen this castle - Château d'Ars - some kilometers from Nohant (the latter since long a museum displaying the life and works of George Sand, the different well known writers,painters and musicians visiting her, her private theater and the puppet theater of her son, Maurice among other things) a beautiful renaissance castle where Chopin often used to be, visting his friend doctor Gustave Papet, a close friend to George Sand and att the time the proprietor of this castle.

On Saturdays there will be muscial interludes.

(Photo poster copied from: http://www.musees.regioncentre.fr/Actualite/expositions_crois_%C2%AB_chopin_berry_chopin_europ_%C2%BB-1435.html?idcat=B)

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