Français :
Le château de Murol est situé en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, dans le Puy-de-Dôme.
Le château est construit sur un promontoire basaltique à près de mille mètres d'altitude.
Les premières occupations remontent probablement au xe siècle avec un premier fort primitif mais les plus anciennes fortifications reconnues remonteraient quant à elles au xie-xiie siècles.
Il est agrandi et renforcé régulièrement entre le xiie siècle et le xve siècle, en particulier au xive siècle par Guillaume de Sam ou de Murol, avec notamment la réalisation d'une seconde chapelle funéraire.
Au xve siècle, le château devient propriété de la famille d’Estaing après le mariage de Jehanne de Murol avec Gaspard d’Estaing.
Au xixe siècle, à la suite d’un don du propriétaire, le comte de Chabrol, le château devient propriété de la commune de Murol. (Photos ci-dessous)
The Castle of Murol is located in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in the area of Puy-de-Dôme.
The castle is built on a promontory of basalt (not surprising in this volcanic region) on almost 1000 metres altitude.
The first proprietors or occupants were probably to be found in the 10th Century with a initial primitive fortification but the oldest known recognized fortifications, dates from the 11th to 12th Century.
The castle was expanded and reinforced regularly between the 12th and 15th Century, particularly during the 14th Century by Guillaume de Sam or de Murol with the realization of a second mortuary chapel.
During the 15th Century the castle became the property of the familly d'Estaing, after the marriage between Jehanne de Murol and Gaspard d'Estaing.
They are of course remotely related to the former French president Giscard d'Estaing.
During the 19th Century, after a donation of the proprietor, count de Chabrol, the castle became the property of the commune of Murol. (Photos below)
The castle was expanded and reinforced regularly between the 12th and 15th Century, particularly during the 14th Century by Guillaume de Sam or de Murol with the realization of a second mortuary chapel.
During the 15th Century the castle became the property of the familly d'Estaing, after the marriage between Jehanne de Murol and Gaspard d'Estaing.
They are of course remotely related to the former French president Giscard d'Estaing.
During the 19th Century, after a donation of the proprietor, count de Chabrol, the castle became the property of the commune of Murol. (Photos below)
Un carcan, pas utilisé aujourd'hui - je pense ?
Stocks, not used today - I think?
La cage où une personne a été placé
et où il/elle ne pouvait pas ni s’asseoir,
ni rester debout et finalement les oiseaux
commencait à manger la personne
jusqu'à sa mort. Torture médievale
The cage where the person were placed
and where he/she neither could sit down
nor stand right up and finally the birds
started picking and eating on the person
until death occured. Medieval torture.
Un gardien (mais pas un vrai)
A guard (but not a real one)
A guard (but not a real one)
Le ou les blasons des propriétaires du château
The coat of arms of the proprietors of the castle
Des vêtements de la noblesse. Ici plutôt au quotidien.
Clothes of the nobility. Here more a daily outfit
Les armes du château, comme des hallebardes
The weapons of the castle, like halberds
Une armure de plats et des écus
A plate armour and the escutcheons
La grande salle des nobles
avec un trône pour le Châtelain ou un roi ?
The grand hall for the nobility
and a throne for the Castellan or a king?
Un chevalier dans sa chambre
A knight in his room
Le trésorier
The treasurer
Le toit de lauze. Aurore aime les toits comme ça.
The roof of flagstone. Aurore loves roofs like this.
La chambre de la duchesse ou comtesse.
The room of the duchess or the countess.
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