Idag på morgonen då jag kom upp för att göra frukost visade den ena termometerna minus 17 och den andra minus 15 grader.
Mer snö har fallit och det är visserligen nu mitt på dagen/eftermiddagen (14.00) vackert väder. Solen skiner och snön ligger vackert vit, som ett riktigt vintervykort.
Nu är jag inte särdeles intresserad av vintervykort och Aurore - liksom jag - längtar efter våren som redan kommit i Frankrike.
Hörde på radion igår att det redan blommar i Bois de Boulogne i Paris och i La Châtre hade man plus 10-15 grader under gårdagen och dagen innan.
Ikväll skall vi till Dansens Hus för att se en föreställning med gruppen MEMBROS.
Det är en dansgrupp som blandar hip hop, capoeira och många andra stilar i sina försök att uttrycka olika politiska ståndpunkter och kommentera situationen i Brasilien varifrån de kommer.
Återkommer med recension.
Idag kommer en väninna till Aurore - Marie - till Stockholm från London där hon bor. Hon ville så gärna se snö i Stockholm. Alla de gånger hon besökt huvudstaden har snön lyst med sin frånvaro. Nu får hon sitt lystmäte. Snö och minst tio grader kallt!
In the morning (around seven o'clock) when I got up in order to make breakfast, our thermometers showed between fifteen and seventeen degrees below zero (Celsius)!
During night snow hade fallen and outside the window it now looked like a perfectly beautiful winter post card.
I am not interested in winter post cards though. Instead I long for the spring and so does Aurore.
In France spring has already arrived.
I heard on the radio one of our correspondents in Paris who told us that the flowers where blooming in Bois de Boulogne. In La Châtre the temperature have gone up to plus ten or fifteen degrees Celsius the last few days.
Tonight Aurore and I will see a dance performance at the House of Dance (Dansens Hus) in Stockholm. We won 'second prize' in a competition which ment that we only had to pay 50 Skr for the tickets (5,50 €/7 $). (First prize were free tickets).
A friend to Aurore - Marie - arrives to Stockholm from London today and she is going to stay here a couple of days. She wanted to see snow because every time she has visited Stockholm there was no snow at all during winter. Now she will get it all: Snow and freezing cold, at least ten degrees below zero. Congratulations!
In France spring has already arrived.
I heard on the radio one of our correspondents in Paris who told us that the flowers where blooming in Bois de Boulogne. In La Châtre the temperature have gone up to plus ten or fifteen degrees Celsius the last few days.
Tonight Aurore and I will see a dance performance at the House of Dance (Dansens Hus) in Stockholm. We won 'second prize' in a competition which ment that we only had to pay 50 Skr for the tickets (5,50 €/7 $). (First prize were free tickets).
A friend to Aurore - Marie - arrives to Stockholm from London today and she is going to stay here a couple of days. She wanted to see snow because every time she has visited Stockholm there was no snow at all during winter. Now she will get it all: Snow and freezing cold, at least ten degrees below zero. Congratulations!
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