Valentinedagen (Alla Hjärtans Dag)!
Aurore och jag sätter oss först på Filminstitutets bibliotek (Filmhuset) vilket inte kan sägas vara särdeles romantiskt men nödvändigt.
Vi beger oss efter förrättat värv till café Oscar på Narvavägen där vi dricker kaffe och mumsar i oss sötsaker - mums, mums!!
Klockan 19.00 har vi beställt bord på restaurang Kharazmi, Dalagatan 44, en persisk restaurang, något som inte är särskilt lätt att finna i Stockholm.
Vi talade med den iranske innehavaren av café Östermalm på Styrmansgatan och han rekommenderade en restaurang i Kista gallerian samt en i Akalla. Kharazmi hittade dock Aurore - så klart!
Vi äter bra om än i 80-tals anda - La Nouvelle Cuisine! Alltså inte överfulla tallrikar, utan sparsmakat men gott!
Jag fick också möjlighet säga några få ord på farsi/persiska, de ord jag fortfarande erinrar mig från den tid då jag på 80-talet hade en iransk flickvän.
Vi får vår romantiska kväll trots att dagen började vid det allra minst romantiska stenökenpalatset på Gärdet.
Kärlek, Love, Amour till er alla!

Valentine Day!
Unfortunately it has to begin at the Swedish Filminstitute and its Library but after this and some errands we visit café Oscar on Narvavägen for coffee and some 'pastries' - yum, yum!
At seven PM we have ordered a table at restaurant Kharazmi, a Iranian/Persian restaurant at Dalagatan 44. It's not so easy to find Persian restaurants in Stockholm, mind you.
When we asked the proprietor of café Östermalm, Styrmansgatan, he suggested two restaurants in two of our suburbs, far from the center of town.
Aurore found this one herself - of course!
We enjoyed our romantic Valentine dinner even though this restaurant served something reminding of 'La Nouvelle Cuisine', that is to say, sparsely filled plates.
We appreciated the cooking though.
The visit at Kharazmi also gave me a chance to say a few words in farsi/Persian - as much as I today remember from the days in the eighties when I had a Persian girlfriend.
'Kärlek', Love and Amour to you all!
Valentine Day!
Unfortunately it has to begin at the Swedish Filminstitute and its Library but after this and some errands we visit café Oscar on Narvavägen for coffee and some 'pastries' - yum, yum!
At seven PM we have ordered a table at restaurant Kharazmi, a Iranian/Persian restaurant at Dalagatan 44. It's not so easy to find Persian restaurants in Stockholm, mind you.
When we asked the proprietor of café Östermalm, Styrmansgatan, he suggested two restaurants in two of our suburbs, far from the center of town.
Aurore found this one herself - of course!
We enjoyed our romantic Valentine dinner even though this restaurant served something reminding of 'La Nouvelle Cuisine', that is to say, sparsely filled plates.
We appreciated the cooking though.
The visit at Kharazmi also gave me a chance to say a few words in farsi/Persian - as much as I today remember from the days in the eighties when I had a Persian girlfriend.
'Kärlek', Love and Amour to you all!
(Photo rose copied from:
(Photo restaurang Kharazmi kopierat från:
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