Idag börjar Aurore och jag dagen med att besöka Moderna museet för att se tecknade filmer bestående av loopade filmer vilka visas på ett antal tv-skärmar.
Detta sker inom ramen för temat 'Filmtecknarna fyller 25 år'.
Filmerna utgör alla enskilda historier men man kan se vissa sammanlänkade teman i materialet samt känna igen enskilda tecknare eller vissa tekniker.
En av museivärdarna berättar för mig att ett antal besökare blivit besvikna då de förstått det som att det skulle röra sig om en sammanhållen film visad på en tv-skärm men så var alltså inte fallet.
Det tråkiga med detta besök var att då vi började se dessa filmer erinrade vi oss att vi redan sett dem på tv med en introduktion av Roy Andersson och detta för flera månader sedan.
'Sådant är livet' som Aurore skulle ha uttryckt det.
Filmhuset blir nästa anhalt denna dag.

We start off with The Museum of Modern Art in order to see animated films shown at a number of TV-screens. The films are being looped.
This exhibition is made to commemorate that The Swedish Film Animators celebrate their 25th anniversary.
The films are all presenting different stories but with something linking them together, not least that they are made by the same artist or with the same technique.
Unfortunately Aurore and I, when we start looking at this, remember that we have seen this before in Swedish Television with an introduction by the director Roy Andersson many months ago.
'That's life' as Aurore should have put it.
The Swedish Filminstitute is our next stop.
We start off with The Museum of Modern Art in order to see animated films shown at a number of TV-screens. The films are being looped.
This exhibition is made to commemorate that The Swedish Film Animators celebrate their 25th anniversary.
The films are all presenting different stories but with something linking them together, not least that they are made by the same artist or with the same technique.
Unfortunately Aurore and I, when we start looking at this, remember that we have seen this before in Swedish Television with an introduction by the director Roy Andersson many months ago.
'That's life' as Aurore should have put it.
The Swedish Filminstitute is our next stop.
(Bild collage Filmtecknarna kopierat från:
(Foto poster 'Alla talar svenska' kopierat från:
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