Efter Filmhuset blir det Finlandsinstitutet och ett vernissage med fotografier från Wasa teater i Finland under 80 års tid. Detta vernissage har dock inte något klart uttalat tema som vi kan säga oss till fullo förstå det unika i.
Den heter kort och gott: 'Bilder från scenen 1926-2006' men vi kan inte se vad som utmärker dessa bilder framför bilder från andra teaterscener.
Teaterchefen Paul Olin talar och han läser lustigt nog ett stycke ur den pjäs vi skall se på kvällen, nämligen 'Tre systrar' av Anton Tjechov.
Fotografierna visar bl.a. Ylva Ekblad, en syster till vår i Sverige så omtyckta Stina Ekblad som agerat både på film och inom teatern.
Jag frågar Bengt Packalén om det finns en tredje syster i det att jag berättar att vi skall se Tjechovpjäsen ikväll samt att teaterchefen nämnden den då han läste sitt citat.
Det kunde ha varit magiskt men någon tredje syster finns uppenbarligen ej.
Efter detta tog vi oss till Teaterhögskolan för att se tredjeårselevernas uppsättning av ovan nämnda pjäs 'Tre systrar' i regi av Peter Oscarsson.
En av rollerna spelades av Hannes Meidal som jag - för att nu återknyta till tretalet - nu ser för tredje gången: Först i 'Pelikanen' av August Strindberg och därefter i en pjäs om Kafka med samma namn på Strindbergs Intima Teater för ett par år sedan knappt.
Vi blev dock inte särskilt imponerade av skådespelarnas prestationer. I vissa fall kändes det t.o.m. som en skoluppsättning - vilket det ju är - men då mer än amatörskoluppsättning och så skall det inte kännas då man ser semiprofessionella skådespelare.
Scenografin tyckte vi dock mycket om, Aurore och jag.
Jag fick i foajén se ett foto av den avgångsklass vars sistaårspjäser jag tillsammans med en god vän och blivande skådespelare såg 1981.
Det var skådespelarna Peter Stormare, Maria Johansson, Jessica Zandén, Sissela Kyle, Staffan Hallerstam, Roger Storm, Göran Engman, Tomas Norström, Jonna Arb, Annette Stenson, Göran Thorell och Cecilia Nilsson. Klicka här för fotolänk till avgångsklassen 1981.

After The Swedish Film Institute we continue to The Finland Institute for an exhibition with photos taken at the Wasa Theatre in Finland.
The name of the exhibition was 'Pictures from the stage 1926-2006' but we couldn't figure out what differed these pictures from others taken at other theatres.
The Head of the theatre, Paul Olin, talked and he quoted, amusingly enough, a part from 'Three sisters' by Anton Tjechov, the very same play we were about to see that same evening.
On the photos we could see actress Ylva Ekblad among others, a sister to a well known and very popular Finnish-Swedish actress in Sweden, namely Stina Ekblad.
I asked Bengt Packalén, the head of the institute if there were another sister making it 'three sisters' but there is not according to him.
After this we went to National Academy of Mime and Acting to see 'Three sisters' a production with the well known director Peter Oscarsson.
To connect to the figure 'three' I for the third time saw the young actor Hannes Meidal. The first play in which I saw him acting was 'The Pelican' by August Strindberg and a play about Franz Kafka called 'Kafka' at 'The Strindberg Intimate Theatre' in Stockholm two years ago.
This night none of us were impressed by the actors and sometimes it felt like a school production and I don't mean a professional actors school like this one.
We liked the stage design very much both of us though.
In the hall we could see photos of former actors and their last performances at the school. I found the class I saw in 1981 with the former pupils, later actors:
Peter Stormare, Maria Johansson, Jessica Zandén, Sissela Kyle, Staffan Hallerstam, Roger Storm, Göran Engman, Tomas Norström, Jonna Arb, Annette Stenson, Göran Thorell and Cecilia Nilsson. Click here for a photo link showing these actors in 1981.
After The Swedish Film Institute we continue to The Finland Institute for an exhibition with photos taken at the Wasa Theatre in Finland.
The name of the exhibition was 'Pictures from the stage 1926-2006' but we couldn't figure out what differed these pictures from others taken at other theatres.
The Head of the theatre, Paul Olin, talked and he quoted, amusingly enough, a part from 'Three sisters' by Anton Tjechov, the very same play we were about to see that same evening.
On the photos we could see actress Ylva Ekblad among others, a sister to a well known and very popular Finnish-Swedish actress in Sweden, namely Stina Ekblad.
I asked Bengt Packalén, the head of the institute if there were another sister making it 'three sisters' but there is not according to him.
After this we went to National Academy of Mime and Acting to see 'Three sisters' a production with the well known director Peter Oscarsson.
To connect to the figure 'three' I for the third time saw the young actor Hannes Meidal. The first play in which I saw him acting was 'The Pelican' by August Strindberg and a play about Franz Kafka called 'Kafka' at 'The Strindberg Intimate Theatre' in Stockholm two years ago.
This night none of us were impressed by the actors and sometimes it felt like a school production and I don't mean a professional actors school like this one.
We liked the stage design very much both of us though.
In the hall we could see photos of former actors and their last performances at the school. I found the class I saw in 1981 with the former pupils, later actors:
Peter Stormare, Maria Johansson, Jessica Zandén, Sissela Kyle, Staffan Hallerstam, Roger Storm, Göran Engman, Tomas Norström, Jonna Arb, Annette Stenson, Göran Thorell and Cecilia Nilsson. Click here for a photo link showing these actors in 1981.
(Photo Anton Tjechov copied from:
(Foto Ylva Ekblad kopierat från:
(Foto Stina Ekbland kopierat från:
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