Aurore fyller år idag men hur mycket talar jag inte om.
I en stad som Stockholm där alla museer och många andra institutioner är stängda en måndag, vad skall man göra om man inte har gott om pengar och kan bjuda sin älskade på Edsbacka krog, Operan, Dramaten eller andra evenemang som kostar den berömda skjortan?!

Hur kommer det sig att Strindbergmuseet har stängt på hans födelsedag?
Kan endast ske i Stockholm/Sverige.
Jag bjuder Aurore på café Ritorno, ett 'lagom' (detta hemska svenska ord) dyrt eller billigt alternativ.
Denna födelsedag delar Aurore (förutom med Strindberg) också med Lord Byron (mer info: Lord Byron), Gregory Rasputin (länk till uppgifter om boken Rasputin, Rysslands svarte eminens), D.W. Griffith, Francis Picabia (Moderna museet om Picabia), Thor Modéen (Wikipedia om Thor Modéen), John Hurt, Linda Blair, Jim Jarmusch.
Grattis på födelsedagen alla - både levande och döda!
Vi återvände hem och Aurore gjorde iordning en utsökt middag samt bakade både matbröd och en härlig äppelpaj - mums! Detta på sin egen födelsedag! Jag borde skämmas!
Hon är fantastisk!
Hon är fantastisk!

It is Aurore's birthday today but how young she is I am not going to tell!
In a town like Stockholm where all the museums and many other institutions are closed on Mondays, what should one do if not being loaded with money.
If so (being 'loaded') I would have invited my love to Edsbacka krog (the only Swedish restaurant with two stars in Guide Michelin ), the Opera, the Royal National Theater, other theaters, concerts or anything else that might cost you 'the shirt' as we say in Swedish.
We started off with the Strindberg museum as the 22 of January also is the birthday of August. He would have celebrated his 158th birthday today.
When we arrive the museum is closed! This can only happen in Stockholm/Sweden.
Closed on his birthday?
I invite Aurore to café Ritorno (map Café Ritorno) an alternative I can afford, at the moment.
Aurore share this day with the following persons, besides August Strindberg: Lord Byron, Gregory Rasputin, D.W. Griffith, Francis Picabia, Thor Modéen, John Hurt, Linda Blair, Jim Jarmusch.
Happy birthday to you all - both living and dead!
We went home and Aurore made a delicious dinner (as always), she baked bread and a fantastic apple pie! And this on her own birthday! I should be ashamed!
I say: Yum-yum!
She is marvelous my fiancée!
(Photo 'Blå tornet'/The Strindberg Museum copied from:
(Picture Lord Byron copied from:
(Photo Rasputin copied from:
(Photo D.W. Griffith copied from:
(Photo Jim Jarmusch copied from:
(Photo Francis Picabia copied from:
She is marvelous my fiancée!
(Photo 'Blå tornet'/The Strindberg Museum copied from:
(Picture Lord Byron copied from:
(Photo Rasputin copied from:
(Photo D.W. Griffith copied from:
(Photo Jim Jarmusch copied from:
(Photo Francis Picabia copied from:
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