Georg Oddner:

Idag besöker Aurore och jag Nationalmuseum för utställningen Nordstjärnor. Georg Oddners porträtt av berömda svenskar.
Man visar ett sextiotal porträttfotografier av kända svenskar tagna av dokumentär- och modefotografen Georg Oddner under fr.a. 50- och 60-talen.
Här får vi möta Ingmar Bergman, Max von Sydow, Harriet Andersson, Bibi Andersson, Fritiof Nilsson 'Piraten', Monica Zetterlund, Bo Widerberg, Naima Wifstrand, Anita Ekberg, Putte Wickman, Lars Gullin m.fl.
Anita Ekberg
(after having won the Miss Sweden-competition 1951)
(after having won the Miss Sweden-competition 1951)
Hans fotografiska gärning omfattar självfallet dock mycket mer än dessa foton. Han var en eftersökt fotograf över hela världen, fotograferande internationellt kända personer men även okända människor vilka han träffade via sina resor.
Naima Wifstrand

Aurore and I visited the National Museum of Art today.
There is an exhibition there, called Northern Stars. Georg Oddner's portraits of Swedish celebrities.
The Museum show some sixty photographs of famous Swedes made by one of the most renowned Swedish documentary- and fashion photographers Georg Oddner.
They are mainly from the fifties and sixties and depict people like Ingmar Bergman, Max von Sydow, Harriet Andersson, Bibi Andersson, Fritiof Nilsson 'Piraten' (famous Swedish author), Monica Zetterlund, Bo Widerberg, Naima Wifstrand, Anita Ekberg, Putte Wickman, Lars Gullin among others.
Oddner himself started his career as a jazz musician but left this career in the forties to devote himself to photography instead. He became on of the most prominent ones in our country. His photographic deed comprises much more than the photos displayed at this exhibition of course. He was a sought after photographer all over the world and depicted international celebrities as well as unknown people during his travels.

(Photo Miss Sweden, Anita Ekberg copied from:
There is an exhibition there, called Northern Stars. Georg Oddner's portraits of Swedish celebrities.
Bo Widerberg

They are mainly from the fifties and sixties and depict people like Ingmar Bergman, Max von Sydow, Harriet Andersson, Bibi Andersson, Fritiof Nilsson 'Piraten' (famous Swedish author), Monica Zetterlund, Bo Widerberg, Naima Wifstrand, Anita Ekberg, Putte Wickman, Lars Gullin among others.

Georg Oddner

(Photo Miss Sweden, Anita Ekberg copied from:
(Photo dancing marin dancing with a woman copied from:
(Foto Naima Wifstrand kopierat från:
(Foto Bo Widerberg kopierat från:
(Foto Georg Oddner som äldre kopierad från:
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