Svenska (English below):
Vi ser idag Djävulens blodsband, denna Brian De Palmas film från 1973.
Cinemateket har en retrospektiv med hans filmer men jag kan inte säga att särskilt mycket av det vi sett är intressant.
I denna film träffar vi på en kvinna - Danielle (Margot Kidder) - som via ett reklaminslag och en tävling träffar en man som hon bjuder hem.
De blir förälskade men morgonen efter avhör han ett samtal i rummet intill mellan kvinnan och en annan kvinna.
Då han kommer in i rummet, förklarar kvinnan han träffat att det är hennes tvillingsyster - Dominique - som är svårt sjuk men som kommit hit då de båda fyller år och de vill fira den tillsammans. Dock ser han inte tvillingssystern men hon är uppenbarligen i rummet bredvid.
Mannen köper en tårta, kommer tillbaka för att överraska men blir våldsamt attackerad av en av kvinnorna - vilken vet han kanske inte med säkerhet - med en kniv. Innan han dör, försöker han signalera i ett fönster till en annan kvinna -Grace (Jennifer Salt) - som från sin våning i byggnaden mittemot, ser hans blodiga hand och har sett hela dramat,
Hon kontaktar polisen men de tror henne inte då hon är journalist och det visar sig att hon skrivit ofördelaktigt om polisens arbete tidigare.
Denna anmälan leder inte någonstans då den kvinnliga mördare och en man som hon beskriver som sin f.d. make - Emil (William Finley) - ser till att undanröja alla spår i lägenheten i samband med polisens besök.
Detta leder till att den kvinnliga journalisten inleder ett farligt privatdetektiv-arbete i sökandet efter sanningen.
De Palma försöker skapa spänning med vissa 'Hitchcockska' metoder vad avser upplägg, överraskningseffekter och musik.
Detta lyckas honom dock ej.
Hitchcock använder långt mindre spektakulära grepp men uppnår långt bättre effekt vad gäller de spänningsökande effekterna.
Här blir det mer vulgärt.

Aurore and I saw a Brian De Palma film today: Sisters.
The Swedish Cinematek has a retrospective with his films and we have seen some of them but not yet discovered any masterpieces.
This is a film about a woman - Danielle (Margot Kidder) - who through a tv show meets a man and invites him home. They make love and next morning he can hear her talking to another woman in another room in the apartment (flat). When entering he asks her who it is and Danielle answers that it is her twin sister Dominique. She is ill but she wanted them to celebrate their common birthday. He can't see the other sister but obviosly she is in another room.
The man decides to buy a cake in order to celebrate them but when he comes back to surprise Danielle she attacks him with a knife and kills him. A woman in the neighbouring house - Grace (Jennifer Salt) - witnesses the attack and summons the police.
They are sceptical to her story as she happens to be a journalist who previously have written about police brutality.
When they arrive Danielle and the man she calls her ex husband have sweeped away all traces and evidences of the murder.
Grace is regarded as not trustworthy why she decides to start her own private investigation of the case.
This investigation shows to be a dangerous task.
The Swedish Cinematek has a retrospective with his films and we have seen some of them but not yet discovered any masterpieces.
This is a film about a woman - Danielle (Margot Kidder) - who through a tv show meets a man and invites him home. They make love and next morning he can hear her talking to another woman in another room in the apartment (flat). When entering he asks her who it is and Danielle answers that it is her twin sister Dominique. She is ill but she wanted them to celebrate their common birthday. He can't see the other sister but obviosly she is in another room.
The man decides to buy a cake in order to celebrate them but when he comes back to surprise Danielle she attacks him with a knife and kills him. A woman in the neighbouring house - Grace (Jennifer Salt) - witnesses the attack and summons the police.
They are sceptical to her story as she happens to be a journalist who previously have written about police brutality.
When they arrive Danielle and the man she calls her ex husband have sweeped away all traces and evidences of the murder.
Grace is regarded as not trustworthy why she decides to start her own private investigation of the case.
This investigation shows to be a dangerous task.
De Palma tries to use some 'Hitchcock'-methods in order to create suspense; surprise effects, musical accompaniment (Bernard Herrmann) and so on but he is more vulgar and do not reach the same amount of suspense as Hitchcock did using simpler means.

(Photo poster copied from: http://criterioncast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/89_box_348x490.jpg)
(Photo one of the sisters in bed copied from: http://twi-ny.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/sisters.jpg)
(Photo the two sistes at a bench copied from: http://www.celluloidz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/SISTERS.jpg)

(Photo poster copied from: http://criterioncast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/89_box_348x490.jpg)
(Photo one of the sisters in bed copied from: http://twi-ny.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/sisters.jpg)
(Photo the two sistes at a bench copied from: http://www.celluloidz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/SISTERS.jpg)
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