12 January 2007

Tally Brown, New York

Svenska (English below):

Cinemateket ger idag Tally Brown, New York (länk till sida med uppgifter om Tally Brown) en film gjord av Rosa von Praunheim om den i s.k. 'undergroundkretsar', kända artisten Tally Brown.

Hon uppträdde under 1960 och 70-talen i New York på sådana klubbar som Reno Sweeney's, S.N.A.F.U. och Continental Baths.
Hon var också med i sådana experimentella filmer som 'Brand X', 'The Illiac Passion' och många andra filmer gjorda av hennes gode vän Andy Warhol (IMDb om Andy Warhol).

I denna film medverkar ett stort antal av hennes vänner som just Warhol, von Praunheim, Divine och många fler.


Aurore and I today watched the film Tally Brown, New York made by Rosa von Praunheim (website with information on following link: Rosa von Praunheim).

Ms. Brown was prominent in the underground performance world of the 1960's and 70's, appearing frequently at such New York nightclubs as Reno Sweeney's, S.N.A.F.U. and the Continental Baths, and acting in such experimental films as ''Brand X,'' ''The Illiac Passion'' and several early works by Andy Warhol (IMDb on Andy Warhol).
Warhol was one of her good friends and also von Praunheim and Divine for example.

This film has not been rated highly on IMDb but despit this I find it charming not least because of Tally Brown herself and her performances. I think she in many respects is a fantastic artist - or was, as she died in 1989.

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