Idag fortsätter vi vår exkursion i 'Magasin 3':s lokaler för att fortsätta se utställningarna där: Pipilotti Rist - 'Gravity be my friend' - och en liten Gilbert & George utställning.
Vi kände inte att utställningen med Pipilotti Rist gav oss några nya impulser eller aha-upplevelser dock men det fanns en del förhållandevis intressanta delar i hennes konst som inte gjorde utflykten helt bortkastad.
Vad gäller Gilbert & George-utställningen var det matieral från tidigare utställda verk av dem där kanske det mest intressanta utgjordes av den lilla tv-monitor i vilken vi kunde se och höra dem tala kring tillskapandet av sina verk.
I övrigt var det mer av déja vu.
För er som läser denna blog kanske uppfattningen om oss är att vi till största delen är kritiska till det mesta vi ser.
Det har dock dels att göra med att vi kanske var för sig och tillsammans sett en hel del utställningar samt ställer krav på att konstnärsskap skall drabba oss på något sätt och gör det inte det, bör man vara ärlig om detta.
Det är samma sak då man besöker Operan, Folkoperan eller teatrar för att ta några exempel.
Om man inte är nöjd anser jag att man skall ge uttryck för det.
Svensken i gemen är alldeles för tam för att våga detta utan oftast applåderar man artigt oavsett kvaliteten på det framförda.
Besöker jag Operan eller Folkoperan i Stockholm för att ta två exempel, ropar jag gärna 'Bravo' eller 'Brava' då jag anser sångarna och musikernas framförande hålla hög kvalitet men jag kan lika gärna bua om jag inte anser att det håller den standard jag anser mig ha rätt att kräva av artisterna.
Se på 'La Scala' i Milano! Där använder man grönsaker!!
Nog om detta.
Efter en kaffe i Gamla Stan, en kort tur till butiken på Nationalmuseum för att se på några utgivningar där.
Härefter beger vi oss till den katolska kyrkan - S:ta Eugenia - vid Kungsträdgårdsgatan för att träffa en vän till Aurore's kusin Hervé, Patrick Frias, som även Aurore känner väl men ej träffat de senaste kanske fyra-fem åren.
Han kommer från Filippinerna, är körledare och besöker Sverige med en av de körer han leder för att bl.a. deltaga i gudstjänsten denna söndag i S:ta Eugenia.
Den kör han leder idag heter 'Cavite Choir' vilket är namnet på den stad - Cavite - från vilken han kommer.
De skall klä upp sig i speciella traditionella kläder till kvällen varför vi stannar för att se detta innan vi beger oss vidare. Vi fotograferar oss alla tre tillsammans och Patrick för sig i sin tjusiga dräkt.
Innan vi går vidare lyssnar vi till ett par-tre sånger som kören framför.

Vi smyger ut och beger oss till biografen Sture för kvällens film på Franska filmfestivalen:
'Odette Toulemonde' regisserad av den franske författaren Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt (officiell hemsida här).
I huvudrollen ser vi en av mina kvinnliga favoritskådespelare Catherine Frot.
Dock är detta en ganska lättviktig historia om en kvinna som arbetar på ett varuhus med uppgifter som inte passar henne men som lever ut sina fantasier genom den kände författaren Balthazar Balsan's (Albert Dupontel) böcker.
Hon får till slut tillfälle att träffa honom, något som förändrar båda deras liv.
Det känns dock berättartekniskt som en kombination av 'Amelie från Montmartre' och 'Huit Femmes' ('Åtta kvinnor'), en småmysig feel good film utan andra ambitioner.
We continue our excursion at 'Magasin 3' ('Storehouse 3') and the exhibitions there: Pipilotti Rist - 'Gravity be my friend' - and a small Gilbert & George display.
We did not however feel that the exhbition with works by Pipilotti Rist gave us any new impulses or 'aha-experiences' even though we found some interesting parts in her artistery that made this daytrip not entirely wasted.
When it came to the Gilbert & George part it was made up of earlier works displayed here and the most interesting thing was maybe the tv-monitor with an interview with this two artists in which they try to explain there ideas.
Apart from that it more felt like a déja vu experience.
For those of you who read this blogsite it seems as if we mostly are critical to what we see and seldom give compliments to artists and their works. This to some extent is due to the fact that we separately and together have seen quite a number of exhibitions and we want the work of an artist to affect us or even 'hit' us in the face and if not, one should be honest concerning that.
In Sweden most people are very polite and it's the same thing when you visit the Opera for exemple. If I am not satisfied with what I see and hear I should of course express this feeling.
The Swede in general is though often to 'tame' when it comes to this and instead applause politely.
If I go to the Opera or the 'Folk Opera' here in Stockholm I gladly cheer' 'Bravo' or 'Brava' if I find the performance by the singers and musicians being extraordinary but also boo them if I find it bad.
Look at 'La Scala' in Milano! They even use vegetables!!
Enough of this.
After a coffee in the Old Town, we make a short visit in the book store at 'Nationalmuseum' ('The Museum of Fine Arts') to look at some edtions there.
We leave the museum and set out for the Catholic Church - S:ta Eugenia - near 'Kings Garden' to meet a good friend of Aurore's cousin Hervé, Patrick Frias who Aurore also knows well but haven't met for att least four five years.
He is from the Philippines, is a choir leader visiting Sweden with one of his choirs to among other activities participate in the service today in S:ta Eugenia.
The choir he leads today is called 'Cavite Choir' which is the name of the town - Cavite - from where he comes.
They are going to dress up in traditional clothes for the evening why we stay to watch this before we head on to next event. We take photographs us all together and Patrick alone in his nice dress.
Before we leave we listen to a couple of songs performed by the choir.
We sneak out and set out for cinema Sture to see the French film displayed at The French Film Festival tonight:
'Odette Toulemonde', directed by the French author Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.
In the starring rôle we see one of my favourite actors in France, namely Catherine Frot.
This is however a fairly 'light weighted' story about a woman who works at a department store with tasks that does not interest her. She lives out her fantasies through the books by the famous author Balthazar Baltsan (Albert Dupontel).
She gets a chance to meet him and this changes both their lives.
Narratively it feels as a combination between 'Amelie from Montmartre' and 'Huit Femmes' ('8 Women'), a cosy feel good film with no other ambitions.
'Odette Toulemonde' regisserad av den franske författaren Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt (officiell hemsida här).
I huvudrollen ser vi en av mina kvinnliga favoritskådespelare Catherine Frot.
Dock är detta en ganska lättviktig historia om en kvinna som arbetar på ett varuhus med uppgifter som inte passar henne men som lever ut sina fantasier genom den kände författaren Balthazar Balsan's (Albert Dupontel) böcker.
Hon får till slut tillfälle att träffa honom, något som förändrar båda deras liv.
Det känns dock berättartekniskt som en kombination av 'Amelie från Montmartre' och 'Huit Femmes' ('Åtta kvinnor'), en småmysig feel good film utan andra ambitioner.
We continue our excursion at 'Magasin 3' ('Storehouse 3') and the exhibitions there: Pipilotti Rist - 'Gravity be my friend' - and a small Gilbert & George display.
We did not however feel that the exhbition with works by Pipilotti Rist gave us any new impulses or 'aha-experiences' even though we found some interesting parts in her artistery that made this daytrip not entirely wasted.
When it came to the Gilbert & George part it was made up of earlier works displayed here and the most interesting thing was maybe the tv-monitor with an interview with this two artists in which they try to explain there ideas.
Apart from that it more felt like a déja vu experience.
For those of you who read this blogsite it seems as if we mostly are critical to what we see and seldom give compliments to artists and their works. This to some extent is due to the fact that we separately and together have seen quite a number of exhibitions and we want the work of an artist to affect us or even 'hit' us in the face and if not, one should be honest concerning that.
In Sweden most people are very polite and it's the same thing when you visit the Opera for exemple. If I am not satisfied with what I see and hear I should of course express this feeling.
The Swede in general is though often to 'tame' when it comes to this and instead applause politely.
If I go to the Opera or the 'Folk Opera' here in Stockholm I gladly cheer' 'Bravo' or 'Brava' if I find the performance by the singers and musicians being extraordinary but also boo them if I find it bad.
Look at 'La Scala' in Milano! They even use vegetables!!
Enough of this.
After a coffee in the Old Town, we make a short visit in the book store at 'Nationalmuseum' ('The Museum of Fine Arts') to look at some edtions there.
We leave the museum and set out for the Catholic Church - S:ta Eugenia - near 'Kings Garden' to meet a good friend of Aurore's cousin Hervé, Patrick Frias who Aurore also knows well but haven't met for att least four five years.
He is from the Philippines, is a choir leader visiting Sweden with one of his choirs to among other activities participate in the service today in S:ta Eugenia.
The choir he leads today is called 'Cavite Choir' which is the name of the town - Cavite - from where he comes.
They are going to dress up in traditional clothes for the evening why we stay to watch this before we head on to next event. We take photographs us all together and Patrick alone in his nice dress.
Before we leave we listen to a couple of songs performed by the choir.
We sneak out and set out for cinema Sture to see the French film displayed at The French Film Festival tonight:
'Odette Toulemonde', directed by the French author Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.
In the starring rôle we see one of my favourite actors in France, namely Catherine Frot.
This is however a fairly 'light weighted' story about a woman who works at a department store with tasks that does not interest her. She lives out her fantasies through the books by the famous author Balthazar Baltsan (Albert Dupontel).
She gets a chance to meet him and this changes both their lives.
Narratively it feels as a combination between 'Amelie from Montmartre' and 'Huit Femmes' ('8 Women'), a cosy feel good film with no other ambitions.
(Photo Gilbert & George copied from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/devon/content/images/2007/02/27/gilbert_and_george_465x350.jpg)
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