Steve Reich and Beryl Korot

Efter lite av varje på förmiddagen, alldeles för obetydligt för att nämnas, begav vi oss ut, Aurore och jag, tog en kaffepaus på Folkkulturcentrum på Skeppsholmen.
Efter det fortsatte vi nästgårds till Moderna museet för en 'performance' med ett videoverk sammanställt av tonsättare och Polarpristagaren Steve Reich och konstnären Beryl Korot.
Detta videoverk med musik började de arbeta på 1996 och man beskriver det i informationen som en 'video dokumentär opera' där man fokuserar på den teknologiska utvecklingen av skilda slag samt riskerna med densamma under 1900-talet.
Man tar sin utgångspunkt i tre tillfällen i historien: Hindenburgkatastrofen då den kända zeppelinaren störtar och brinner upp i Lakehurst, New Jersey 1937. Denna händelse skall symbolisera den industriella epokens kollaps.
Nästa händelse som fungerar som katalysator för en idé är atomsprängningarna på Bikiniatollen 1947 vilka skall belysa atombombålderns start i människans destruktiva historia (sistnämnda min kommentar).
Tredje och sista exemplet är det genmanipulerade fåret Dolly som självfallet tar upp problemen med genmanipulering med djur (och växter).
Vad gäller alla dessa olika gestaltningar av olika skeden i den mänskliga utvecklingens historia - och då talar jag inte om utveckling i en nödvändigtvis positiv bemärkelse - kan självfallet valet av metafor diskuteras men den är kanske av underordnad betydelse.
Däremot finner jag att de här anförda exemplen kunde ha gestaltats långt mer intressant än som blev fallet.
Både Aurore och jag upplevde att kombinationen av alltför många mediala framställningsformer kolliderade: Bilder, musik, kommentarer och text bildade ett enligt mitt förmenande alldeles för disparat intryck.
Det var svårt att få ett helhetsgrepp om alla de separata delarna i denna performance.
I övrigt tycker jag mycket om Steve Reich som tonsättare och har hört en hel del av honom. Beryl Korot vet jag däremot med säkerhet inte att jag sett tidigare men det skall jag låta vara osagt.
After this and that in the morning - all to insignificant to be mentioned - Aurore and I went out and stopped at 'Folkkulturcentrum' at Skeppsholmen to take a break with a cup of coffee.
Afterwards we continued to The Museum of Modern Art ('Moderna museet') for a 'performance' - a videowork made by composer Steve Reich (winner of the Polar Music Prize this year) and video artist Bery Korot.
This vide artwork with music they started to work on already in 1996 and it's described in the information text as a 'video documentary opera' where one focuses on the technological development of different kind during the 20th Century.
They use as a starting point three occations in history:
The Hindenburg catastrophy when the giant vessel crashed and burned up in Lakehurst, New Jersey in 1937. This event is supposed to sybolize the collapse of the industrial epoch.
The next event functioning as a catalyst for a idea is the atomic blasting at the Bikni atoll in 1947 illustrating the start of the atomic bomb era in the history of mankind.
The third and last example is the gene manipulated sheep Dolly and this is of course a comment on the problems with gene manipulation with animal (and plants).
Concerning all this different interpretations of different phases in the history of human development - and I hereby do not necessary mean development in a positive sense - could of course the choice of metaphores be discussed but this is perhaps a subordinate question.
However I found that this examples could have been interpreted in a far more interesting way.
Both Aurore and I felt that the combination of to many medial forms of description collided: Pictures, music, commentaries and text formed according to my opinion a to disparate impression.
It was difficult getting a general impression of all the separate parts in this performance.
Besides I am very fond of Steve Reich as a composer and have heard quite a deal of his music. Bery Korot on the other hand, I am not quite shure I have encountered before.
After this and that in the morning - all to insignificant to be mentioned - Aurore and I went out and stopped at 'Folkkulturcentrum' at Skeppsholmen to take a break with a cup of coffee.
Afterwards we continued to The Museum of Modern Art ('Moderna museet') for a 'performance' - a videowork made by composer Steve Reich (winner of the Polar Music Prize this year) and video artist Bery Korot.
This vide artwork with music they started to work on already in 1996 and it's described in the information text as a 'video documentary opera' where one focuses on the technological development of different kind during the 20th Century.
They use as a starting point three occations in history:
The Hindenburg catastrophy when the giant vessel crashed and burned up in Lakehurst, New Jersey in 1937. This event is supposed to sybolize the collapse of the industrial epoch.
The next event functioning as a catalyst for a idea is the atomic blasting at the Bikni atoll in 1947 illustrating the start of the atomic bomb era in the history of mankind.
The third and last example is the gene manipulated sheep Dolly and this is of course a comment on the problems with gene manipulation with animal (and plants).
Concerning all this different interpretations of different phases in the history of human development - and I hereby do not necessary mean development in a positive sense - could of course the choice of metaphores be discussed but this is perhaps a subordinate question.
However I found that this examples could have been interpreted in a far more interesting way.
Both Aurore and I felt that the combination of to many medial forms of description collided: Pictures, music, commentaries and text formed according to my opinion a to disparate impression.
It was difficult getting a general impression of all the separate parts in this performance.
Besides I am very fond of Steve Reich as a composer and have heard quite a deal of his music. Bery Korot on the other hand, I am not quite shure I have encountered before.
(Photo Steve Reich and Beryl Korot copied from:
(Photo exhibition photos copied from:
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