Svenska (English below):
Idag är det Aurore's mors namnsdag - Solange - och vi gratulerar via nätet. Solange betyder bl.a. 'Högtidlig' och idag är det härigenom en högtid som vi firar!

Uppskattade däremot mycket hans bok om Bellman som ger en i många stycken mångskiftande beskrivning av Bellman som person. Ämbetsmannen, suputen, kompositören, sångaren och skämtaren.
Kvällens konsert med Radiosymfonikerna innehåller tre delar.
Konserten inleds med ett nyskrivet stycke av den norsk-svenske kompositören Björn Wilho Hallberg -'L'Isola', ett stycke både Aurore och jag uppskattade.
Tonsättaren själv kom upp på scenen för att ta emot ovationerna.
Hallberg blev i slutet av 70-talet mycket omtalad då man på Kungliga Operan i Stockholm satte upp hans opera 'Josef'. Detta då det i en scen sker en 'våldtäkt' av Maria, Jesu moder, där en centurion eller åtminstone en romersk soldat gör sig skyldig till detta övergrepp.
Diskussionerna efter föreställningen kretsade nästan helt kring denna scen varvid det rent musikaliska nästintill försvann i recensionerna.
Jag erinrar mig detta väl eftersom jag vid tillfället 'pryade' på Operan under mina gymnasiestudier. Avhörde och såg generealrepetionen av denna opera men den omtalade scenen sker bakom höga balkar som skjuter upp ur golvet och endast musiken avslöjar att det sker något dramatiskt i denna scen.
Efter detta framförs ett nyskrivet verk av Anders Hillborg 'Lontana in Sono' där mezzosopranen Malena Ernman är solist.
Stycket i sig tyckte vi om men jag kände inte att Erman kunde göra det rättvisa rent vokalt. Upplevde det som om hon sjöng mezzo voce under hela framförandet. Kanske skulle det sjungas så, alternativt att hon inte hade en bra kväll eller så sparade hon sig inför morgondagens direktsändning i radio.

Efter konserten blir det bio Sture och filmen 'La tourneuse de page' ytterligare en gång inom ramen för Franska filmfestivalen.
Carl Nielsen Symphony no 4-IV. Finale.
Today it's Aurore's mothers name's day - Solange - and we congratulate her through 'the net'. Solange means solemn among other things.
After a couple of hours at the Swedish Film Institute Aurore and I continue to Berwald Concert Hall or 'Berwaldhallen' as we call it in Sweden for a concert with The Swedish Radio Orchestra and a soloist.
Before the concert we listen to one of Swedens more renowned authors, Ernst Brunner who talks around two of his books, namely 'Carolus Rex' a book about the Swedish king Karl XII and 'Moisten your ashes' (my translation from Swedish 'Fukta din aska') about poet and troubadour Carl Michael Bellman.
The latter I have read but not the one about king Karl XII.
Brunner gives an account of stories mentioned in these books and for me the stories from the book about Karl XII are the most interesting ones as I haven't read it.
I enjoyed thought very much his book about Bellman in which he gives a diversified picture of Bellman as a person, the official, the drunkard, composer, singer and joker.
The concert tonight contains three parts.
The first one consists of a newly written piece by the Norwegian-Swedish composer Björn Wilho Hallberg - 'L'Isola' - a piece of music we both - Aurore and I - liked.
The composer came up on stage to receive the ovations.
Today it's Aurore's mothers name's day - Solange - and we congratulate her through 'the net'. Solange means solemn among other things.
After a couple of hours at the Swedish Film Institute Aurore and I continue to Berwald Concert Hall or 'Berwaldhallen' as we call it in Sweden for a concert with The Swedish Radio Orchestra and a soloist.
Before the concert we listen to one of Swedens more renowned authors, Ernst Brunner who talks around two of his books, namely 'Carolus Rex' a book about the Swedish king Karl XII and 'Moisten your ashes' (my translation from Swedish 'Fukta din aska') about poet and troubadour Carl Michael Bellman.
The latter I have read but not the one about king Karl XII.
Brunner gives an account of stories mentioned in these books and for me the stories from the book about Karl XII are the most interesting ones as I haven't read it.
I enjoyed thought very much his book about Bellman in which he gives a diversified picture of Bellman as a person, the official, the drunkard, composer, singer and joker.
The concert tonight contains three parts.
The first one consists of a newly written piece by the Norwegian-Swedish composer Björn Wilho Hallberg - 'L'Isola' - a piece of music we both - Aurore and I - liked.
The composer came up on stage to receive the ovations.
Hallberg became very talked about in the late 1970:s in Stockholm when his opera 'Josef' was set up at The Royal Opera House here.
This because it contains a 'rape scene' where Maria, the mother of Jesus, is said to be raped by a centurion or at least a Roman soldier.
The discussions after this performance was almost totally centred around this scene whereby the musical parts where discussed within smaller headlines, so to speak.
I remember this well as I was doing a so called practical vocational orientation at the Opera during my studies at upper secondary school.
I attended the dress rehearsal and the famous scene is not at all exposed but everything is hidden behind high floor walls coming up from the floor and concealing everything. Only the music reveals that there is something dramatic going on.
After the piece by Hallberg, another newly written piece of music by the Swedish composer Anders Hillborg, 'Lontana in Sono', with mezzo soprano Malena Ernman as a soloist.
I did not find however that she was able to do this piece of music justic, vocally.
It appeared as if she constantly sang mezzo voce and the dynamique within the vocal part in the piece in this way dissapeared according to me.
I don't know if she had a bad day or if she tried to hold back a little before the radio transmission tomorrow or if the vocal part was meant to sound like this.
The piece was musically appealing though.
The evening ends with a more 'classical' piece of music if one can call it so, namely Carl Nielsen's Symphony nr 4 performed by the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra and conductor Johannes Gustavsson.
This because it contains a 'rape scene' where Maria, the mother of Jesus, is said to be raped by a centurion or at least a Roman soldier.
The discussions after this performance was almost totally centred around this scene whereby the musical parts where discussed within smaller headlines, so to speak.
I remember this well as I was doing a so called practical vocational orientation at the Opera during my studies at upper secondary school.
I attended the dress rehearsal and the famous scene is not at all exposed but everything is hidden behind high floor walls coming up from the floor and concealing everything. Only the music reveals that there is something dramatic going on.
After the piece by Hallberg, another newly written piece of music by the Swedish composer Anders Hillborg, 'Lontana in Sono', with mezzo soprano Malena Ernman as a soloist.
I did not find however that she was able to do this piece of music justic, vocally.
It appeared as if she constantly sang mezzo voce and the dynamique within the vocal part in the piece in this way dissapeared according to me.
I don't know if she had a bad day or if she tried to hold back a little before the radio transmission tomorrow or if the vocal part was meant to sound like this.
The piece was musically appealing though.
The evening ends with a more 'classical' piece of music if one can call it so, namely Carl Nielsen's Symphony nr 4 performed by the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra and conductor Johannes Gustavsson.
After this concert we for the second time see the film 'La tourneuse de page' at cinema Sture during the ongoing French Film Festival.
(Foto Berwaldhallen kopierat från:
(Foto Ernst Brunner kopierat från:
(Foto Malena Ernman kopierat från:
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