25 December 2011

Young Frankenstein

Mel Brooks directs another one of his crazy films, this time about Dr. Frankenstein's grandson, Dr Frankenstein (Gene Wilder).
He is struggling to eradicate the bad reputation his ancestor has caused him and his family, being a respectable professor at the University, as he is. He even insists that his name be pronounced "Frankensteen" not "---schtain".

All of a sudden he is reached by the message that he has inherited his grandfathers castle, the grandfather being responsible for the creation of Boris Karloff!
When arriving at the village and the castle, he first tries to refute all suspicion against him for being as crazy as his ancestor but after a while he begins undertaking the same experiments as him.

In the role as 'The monster' we see Peter Boyle and as Igor - Frankenstein's 'assistant' - we see Marty Feldman, the man with the mesmerising eyes.
It's an entertaining film but I found a lingustic problem, if one can say so.
We looked at this film in French but when seeing the trailer and other clips in English I found it funnier. The jokes didn't work out well in French I think.
This might have to do with the fact that I (Gunnar) am brought up with Anglo-Saxon jokes and I can't say that I always understand the French humour. Now translating the English to French might lead to that some of the humoristic parts is lost on the way. I don't think that Aurore felt the same but she is French so what can I say?

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