06 February 2012


A Norwegian war film about a group of brave Norwegian men who help hiding a group of American soldiers when their bomber is shot down over the Oslo fjord.
After some thinking, they decide to use the local church to hide them from the German occupants.

As in all countries there were people affraid of being involved and this could either manifest itself by cooperating with the Germans ('Quisling's') or trying to stay out of involvment in an event like this.

At the whole it's a good and interesting war film without any excessive violence or shooting, just a suspensful following up of how they all try to avoid being discovered, as this would have serious consequences not only for the Americans but the whole village ('Scorched Earth'-tactics).

Generally speaking I think that most Norwegian war films are well made and realized. They have their own personal experience of war - contrary to the Swedes who hid behind their neighbours - and this is of course one important factor in making a good war film, except a good script, a good director - and of course - good actors.
We have some very fine Norwegian actors in this film: Henki and Randi Kolstad, Jens Bolling, Jack Fjeldstad.

The Americans acting in the film, seem to be amateurs, not having participated in more than, at the most, one or two, three other movies after or before this one.
In spite of this they are no bad actors.

We can recommend this film as a more realistic, less violent version of a war film.

(Foto actor Henki Kolstad among others copied from: http://www.nfi.no/english/Norwegian+Films/Festivals+and+Awards/Cannes+2011/Norwegian+films+in+Cannes+1952-2011/_image/91759.png?_encoded=2f66666666666678302f35382f3b29303436286874646977656c616373&_ts=12fd4cdc90b)

(Poster copied from: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51dYSfMVBXL._SL500_AA300_.jpg)

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