22 January 2013

Old, old, old

2012 has been a great musical year for me. I fell in love with Horseback, was delighted about Scott Walker's latest album and was a bit afraid that 2013 might be a dull year.
And then on the 8th January, our fantastic David Bowie released a single and announced a new album.

The day after, Scott Walker celebrated his 70.
I realized my "old" idols were still kicking ass and felt relieved.
Then came the Oscar nominations. Well, if you know me, you know I don't care much about the Academy except when the prizes help foreign films to sell better. So let's sum it up like this:

Amour + Kon-Tiki = bingo!
(ok, mainly because Amour was one of my favourite films of 2012 and Kon-Tiki is named in my free guide "66 films qui ont fait l'histoire du cinéma norvégien").

2013 began well.
Then I signed a piece of paper saying that, I as an expert - oh yeah - would talk about Norwegian comedies on the 25th January.
Being paid to talk about Kong Curling when people annoyed me so much at Haugesund film festival is a really great pied-de-nez :)
All that bragging to announce that today I turn 35 and take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous year 2013!

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