13 February 2011

Season of the Witch/Le dernier des Templiers

This is not a 'traditional' film about the Crusaders and their fight for 'The Holy Land' but more a mixture between the history of the Christian warriors and the supernatural in the form of witches and demons.

Initially this film promises an exciting and seize in an iron-film with historically relevant material but soon we realize that it will leave the more realistic depiction of one of many dark periods in the history of Christianity and blend it with a supernatural story.
There are many interesting cinematographical moments in the film and the photo is partly very appealing but on the whole the problem with the blend of historical 'facts' and fiction/myth does not convince me/us.
The film is filled with material used in hundreds of films and sometimes it's well done - as a scene on a bridge - and sometimes it gives an impression of déja vu and recycling and those parts lower the overall impression of this oeuvre.
There are also some 'humoristic' parts in the film, sometimes delivered in unbelievable situations making it somewhat 'slap-stickich' (a scene from the battle field where the two 'heroes' are joking and fighting at the same time). Of course one shouldn't take oneself too serious but in this case it feels as if one don't know what style to use.

Actors like Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman and Ulrich Thomsen do create a good ambience and Robert Sheehan is not bad at all, neither Claire Foy but their roles are not particularly hard to create.
Christopher Lee is participating as somewhat of a living legend being around almost as long as the Crusaders!

Three stars out of five is a reasonable mark.

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